ARC+ Urvanx = Sustainable Education


ARC+ would like to proudly announce that Urvanx and it’s founder Carlos Bravo are now founding sponsors of the Architectural Research Collaborative. Mr. Bravo and his firm are the first Architectural firm to lend their support and expertise in the creation of the ARC+ Buildgreen. The program is a collaboration of construction companies, architectural firms, and real estate developers working on green building initiatives, and sustainable architecture. “I have a passion for education (in school and continuing during our professional careers) and I believe strongly in sustainability. As architects, we should have a leading role in bringing sustainable practices to the built environment. With technology evolving day-by-day, continuous education is essential to the implementation of successful projects…,” 

Mr. Bravo will be lending his considerable expertise and experience to create enhanced educational opportunities for students.  The program will coordinate site visits to construction projects around South Florida and will provide FIU students with valuable insight into the challenge’s of incorporating sustainable solutions into their designs and applying them into the built environment.

“…by providing this opportunity to students, ARC+ is directly in line with my philosophy. Exposing students to conditions of real-world construction supplements their academic education, gives them an advantage and the ability to advance quickly during their internship,” said Mr. Bravo.

ARC+ will be housed at CARTA's Miami Beach Urban Studios at 420 Lincoln Road, home to the College's Innovation Lab, and will be working with FIU faculty to incubate a unique public / private collaboration that benefits not only students but also the community as a whole. “We believe that working closely with Florida International University as an anchor institution is the first step towards building a more collaborative and synergistic approach to sustainability and resilience as a city,” said Peter Licavoli, Executive Director of the Architectural Research Collaborative, “ …our hope is that more institutions both public and private will join us in this effort.”